2023: A Year In Review

Well, that was another year that absolutely flew by!
2023 has been a busy one at Coacto and the theme of the year has very much been around collaboration, partnership and connections. We’ve really brought the ‘Co’ in Coacto!

Continuing to support our customers
Our customers will undoubtedly tell you that we are all about good service, working as an extension of the team and giving them bespoke solutions.
And 2023 was no different.
We implemented and adapted a Book Fair company’s Salesforce/Ascent ERP solution. This enabled the building and shipping of hundreds of Book Fairs weekly, moving hundreds of thousands of items per week.
We helped a customer that needed to speed up picking, replenishment and stock moves by building a Salesforce Mobile Application running on their Android handheld scanners.
An existing customer acquired a new business and wanted to integrate this business commercially, financially and operationally. We had 15 days of business analysis, solutioning, configuration and testing around Salesforce and the Ascent ERP platform. The new company was integrated, up and running and fully aligned, enabling the group to operate on the same platform.
We have even created a data migration strategy with a specialist data migration company. This allowed us to move a customer’s legacy on-premise ERP onto a Salesforce Ascent ERP solution. And this was done despite the legacy ERP vendor not being willing to help!
Bringing you even more with our Partners
We see our partners as part of our team.
The growing partnership between Coacto and AscentERP Solutions has meant that our customers get the very best of Salesforce and ERP expertise and support.
We haven’t stopped there.
2023 has seen the formation of 2 new partnerships which will bring even more value to our customers.
Want to connect up your accounting processes with your Salesforce CRM?
Or maybe integrate your Mailchimp account with a brand new, easy Salesforce solution?
Coacto can be your one stop shop for all-things Salesforce. Watch this space!

Collaboration in our community
The ever-popular Cotswolds Salesforce Community Event gave our user group tonnes of valuable information throughout 2023 – for free!
Hosted by our Founder Paul, we’ve had speakers from around the world offering their knowledge at these events, bringing together Salesforce users from the local area which is so needed in our post-pandemic world.
Elsewhere in the local business community, Gary and Paul have shared their incredible knowledge on systems and processes, making more connections to help businesses improve their CRM set-up.
And we’ve supported the Cheltenham Children’s Choir as part of a 3-year sponsorship agreement which helps them provide access to choir places for children who may not be able to self-fund.

Growing our brilliant team!
It’s the people at Coacto that make the magic happen. So we’re delighted to have grown the team by 50% in 2023.
And to keep our consultants at the top of their game, we’ve partnered with Salesforce Supermums to help train our new recruits. We’ve also supported other team members through their Salesforce certifications.

Of course, we also love a good team night out or two!
How can your company transform by ‘co-acting’ with us?
We see all our business relationships as partnerships: from our team members, to our community, to our official partners. This reflects in the service given to our customers.
That can be you!
If 2024 has a CRM or ERP implementation project coming up, let’s see if our teams align with a quick discovery chat.
Click here to book a call at a time that suits you.
Here’s to a fantastic 2024!