
Preparing for Salesforce Releases

Feel assured about investing in a Salesforce CRM for your business, knowing it can provide continued performance; year in, year out.

Seasonal Salesforce Release

Salesforce is proud to deliver hundreds of new and updated innovative features regularly to customers through seasonal releases. Distributed every Winter, Spring and Summer, each release provides a healthy dose of new features for Salesforce users to take advantage of.

Preparing your Salesforce org

With Salesforce being a cloud based CRM platform, there is no need for time consuming updates of hardware and software. Particularly as the Winter, Spring or Summer features will be updated within a Salesforce environment automatically, in real time!

There are some important steps to take to ensure that your Salesforce system remains on top form before, during and after new releases though. To ensure your system updates can be delivered smoothly, it’s important to:

  • Make a not of the upcoming releases
  • Check your Salesforce instance to determine release dates
  • Validate each new release in a sandbox environments
  • Test each new release in a production environment

If you are not sure where to start, Coacto can assist you to maintain certainty that your system will work as you expect and how you need it to after each upgrade. Trailhead, the online Salesforce learning environment, also has plenty of resources available to help with making the most of the seasonal releases.

    Are you ready for the next release?

    Make sure your business is ready for the next release with our Release Readiness service.

    Need more Salesforce support?

    Need a quick hand with something? We work on an hourly ad-hoc basis to suit your needs!