Tea Bags | Coacto Year of Change #4

Tea Bags | Coacto Year of Change #4

Here in Britain we consume about 100 million cups of tea every day. And as we do that, most of us are using tea bags. While tea bags are easier than making a pot of loose leaf tea, there is an environmental impact. Polypropylene is a sealing plastic which helps the bag to not fall apart, but it’s neither recyclable or biodegradable. 

So, what’s to be done about it? Well the good news is a number of the main tea brands are putting in the work to remove all traces of plastic from their tea bags, including PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea. It’s worth a quick internet search to see if your favourite brand is working towards making the change, and if not you may have to make that brave step towards finding another tasty tea! 

If you’ve made the switch to plastic free tea bags, then don’t stop there! Make the most of them by putting your used bags into food recycling, composting them, or letting your garden make use of them. (If you’re trying to dissuade cats from coming into your garden then tea leaves work as a deterrent!) 

Also, why not take the time to make a pot of tea? Tea leaves are another sustainable route for your tea drinking, and while it’s not easy when you’re dealing with the school run, or rushing off to work, it could add a bit of relaxation to a weekend. Plus it saves on using multiple tea bags if you have friends round! 

This is a change we’ve made here at Coacto in an effort to become more sustainable in our personal lives. (Some of us are trying to cut down on tea altogether… it’s a challenge!) Finding companies who recognise their impact on the environment is important to us. By supporting those businesses, we are helping to support the efforts against climate change. It’s this willingness to embrace change that we are trying to encourage across all kinds of business. 

Taking steps towards change is so important for maintaining a company. Even something as simple as updating your internal systems can improve productivity and output. So why not give it a go? If you’re not sure what that could look like, give us a call! It could be a small change, something as simple as changing your tea bag brand, but it will be worth it.

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