
Tracking sales statistics with Salesforce

Tracking sales statistics with Salesforce

It is often considered as time consuming and tedious, but sales performance tracking can be an essential part of not only growth but fulfilment too. Statistics tracking can lead to an increase in team morale, collaboration and a good indication on growth across the whole board. If your organisation already has a customer relationship management tool in place, statistics tracking is more often than not […]

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Why do companies need a sales program to function?

Why do companies need a sales program to function?

Adhering to quarterly demands and forecasts when it comes to working within a fast-paced sales environment is key, but there are other functionalities that can help deliver overall success. Organisations with highly motivated teams are more likely to continue reaching targets by utilising a Sales Program that can help drive a programmatic approach to sales.  Businesses can keep reaching targets with a system that helps […]

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AI based insights for sales and marketing with Salesforce 

AI based insights for sales and marketing with Salesforce 

The world’s number one CRM provider, Salesforce is currently on the road visiting a variety of cities and towns as part of their annual World Tour. The purpose of the Salesforce World Tour is for the community to discover engaging ways to connect with customers, get the low down on the latest innovations and technology and get together with fellow Trailblazers. Earlier this month, the […]

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Speaking about my apprenticeship at the CyNam 22.1 event

Speaking about my apprenticeship at the CyNam 22.1 event

CyNam kindly invited me to participate in their 22.1 event for networking, innovation and collaboration for the cyber technology industry which took place on Thursday 10th March 2022. Following on from my inclusion in the National Apprenticeship Week inspiring apprentice line up, I was offered a place on the Student Showcase panel. Within this Apprentice Hoots blog, I wanted to tell you all about my […]

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Apprentice Hoots: Hidden gems – surfacing powerful features in Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) for managing households successfully

Apprentice Hoots: Hidden gems – surfacing powerful features in Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) for managing households successfully

Charities and Nonprofit organisations’ aims and objectives are different from your average business organisation. With very different purposes, they need a different system in place than your standard Salesforce system and that’s where Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) comes in. What is NPSP and who uses it? The Nonprofit Success Pack is an app that sits on top of Salesforce and is preconfigured to manage […]

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