Cotswolds Salesforce Community Group: Developers are from Mars, Admins are from Venus

Cotswolds Salesforce Community Group: Developers are from Mars, Admins are from Venus

It was a pleasure to organise and sponsor the Cotswolds Salesforce Community Group on Thursday 19th May 2022. Our first event in a hybrid capacity provided excellent tips and tricks from the Salesforce community including Christine Marshall, Buyan Thyagarajan and Rangan Goldsmith.

Last week we shared the highlights from Christine Marshall’s session and her excellent tips that every Salesforce Administrator should have in their skillset. This week, we are focussing on the meme fuelled session about how Developers are from Mars and Admins are from Venus.

Buyan Thyagarajan, super cool Salesforce MVP

Buyan is a Salesforce Marketing Cloud champion plus Salesforce MVP and injected some real fun into our event by using memes that everyone in the Salesforce field could relate to. For the last decade, Buyan has been helping universities, manufacturers, financial services and even marketing departments to increase their sales and save money using Salesforce CRM and Marketing Cloud solutions. Alongside this, Buyan is also a Forbes Technology Member and is a blogger at Sforce Maximizer.

Developers are from Mars, Admins are from Venus

Buyan’s session took members through the process of writing requirements and stories to have happy developers and admins who can get the job done faster, preventing blowouts in production. 

Communication is key and Buyan explained exactly what developers and admins care about within a story or spec; introducing the 5W framework! The 5W’s framework consists of:

  • Which (Including which Objects & Fields are needed)
  • Where (Such as what is required to be seen on the screen)
  • Who (Details on the User)
  • What (Indication on what action is needed)
  • While (Details on the Success & Failure)

Buyan also explained how all of this framework can be put together to create a good story that can help a developer or admin deliver against a project.

An honourable mention within Buyan’s presentation were his useful tips on how to talk to developers to deliver requirements.

What was your favourite part of Buyan’s session?

See you in September 2022!

We’ve already started planning for our next event which will be held on Thursday 22nd September 2022. The event will be hybrid once again at a designated venue in Cheltenham with a virtual offering for those group members who are unable to travel.

Don’t forget to join our Chatter Group and keep up to date on our Trailblazer platform for updates on upcoming meetings and events.

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