Customer Testimonials

Our hands-on Salesforce consultants are committed to delivering effective configuration, development, integration, maintenance, training and support across CRM and ERP platforms.

We have been honoured to work with a diverse range of businesses internationally to unlock their full potential. It feels great to receive such positive feedback reflecting our visions, values and overall dedication to improving business processes.

Discover our customer testimonials below

The team at Coacto has supported Literati through the entire process, from concept, design and implementation, working tirelessly as we  implemented a new system while scaling through our peak business period.  They are always available to support us and ensured a quality system was delivered.” – Lisa Howard, VP of Operations and Distribution, Literati

“Coacto are a fantastic, approachable and professional team” – CEO, Pro Stretch

“Our business benefited tremendously from Coacto’s services”

We chose to work with Coacto due to their diligent and thoughtful proposition” – Business Development Manager, Skinade

“Coacto always deliver the best possible result for their customer”

“We wanted a solution for our CRM and ERP requirements that would integrate into a cloud based accounting system, allowing us to align our business processes to enable efficiency and effectiveness throughout our supply chain, whilst providing data and analytics that help drive the decision making in the business.” – Business Systems Manager, GeoSLAM

“Brought a vast wealth of knowledge and experience”

“Always open to new and innovative processes”

“We are now making full use of the Salesforce capability that we now have thanks to you. The MDs were skeptical but it is now an essential part of our processes. Thanks for making me look good – much appreciated!” – British Rema Group

“We are now making full use of the Salesforce capability that we have thanks to you”

“Thanks for making me look good – much appreciated!”

“During the project, they made frequent contact with us and maintained clear lines of communication. The project was delivered on time and to spec, which is a rare thing in IT development.”Skinade

“Coacto shares my own personal drive to deliver the best possible result for the customer” – Salesforce Consulting Partner

Do you want to discover what it’s like to work with our Cotswolds-based Salesforce consultancy and learn how we can improve your CRM functionalities? Connect with us by completing our contact form.

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